Les activités précédentes

Activités passées

    • Online

    Education session 'Facebook Charitable Giving tools' (and other online tools)

    Learn from experts and peers on how they use Facebook Charitable Giving tools and other online tools.

    Education session 'Facebook Charitable Giving tools' (and other online tools)
    • Online

    FAB Conference on the relationship between commercial providers and fundraising organisations + General Assembly FAB

    During this conference commercial providers and fundraising organisations will be talking about their reciprocal relationship. How to make good agreements and best communicate with each other and about the cooperation to the outside world.

    FAB Conference on the relationship between commercial providers and fundraising organisations + General Assembly FAB
    • Online

    Education session 'Telemarketing' and 'Direct Mail'

    During this education session you will be plunged into the experiences in telemarketing and direct mail by FAB partners Mindwize and DSC.

    Education session 'Telemarketing' and 'Direct Mail'
    • Online

    Education session 'Data and metrics in fundraising'

    During this day Ilja De Coster will take you through his secrets about data and metrics in fundraising.

    Education session 'Data and metrics in fundraising'
    • Online

    FAB Conference on the difference between Flanders and Wallonia in fundraising and donor behaviour

    Listen to fundraisers sharing their experience and knowledge about the difference between Flanders and Wallonia in fundraising and donor behaviour.

    FAB Conference on the difference between Flanders and Wallonia in fundraising and donor behaviour
    • Online

    Education session 'Donor Journeys'

    Donor retention, donor journeys, integrated communications, persona’s and satisfaction surveys…

    Education session 'Donor Journeys'
    • Online

    Conference on ‘How to organise original events (for fundraising)’

    How to organise original events (for fundraising)?

    Conference on ‘How to organise original events (for fundraising)’
    • Online

    Education session 'Strategic Planning for Fundraisers'

    This program is intended for fundraisers who determine and control the strategy of their fundraising. Participants preferably have some more experience in fundraising.

    Education session 'Strategic Planning for Fundraisers'
    • Online

    Education session ‘Social media for fundraisers’

    Social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have a proven impact on current society, and are of great importance in our communication.

    Education session ‘Social media for fundraisers’
    • Online

    Conference 'Warmste Week'

    What better way to prepare for the next edition of De Warmste Week? Get inspired by the person responsible for the digital footprint and community management of the Warmste Week and by the cases by non-profits that strongly invest in De Warmste Week.

    Conference 'Warmste Week'

Photos des activités passées


Les formations proposées par Fundraisers Belgium sont rendues possibles par l'aide de joueurs de la Loterie Nationale.

Votre organisation: un partenaire aussi?

Fundraisers Belgium compte plusieurs partenaires qui font du co-branding avec notre
réseau de qualité de décideurs dans le monde du fundraising. Envoyez un e-mail à
info@fundraisersbelgium.be si vous souhaitez plus d'informations sur le partenariat avec notre