Over Education session ‘Social media for fundraisers’

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Education session ‘Social media for fundraisers’

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have a proven impact on current society, and are of great importance in our communication.

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have a proven impact on current society, and are of great importance in our communication. In this day course we go into:

  • overview of social media by usage, impact and evolution
  • target group and objective analysis
  • from ‘reach’ to ‘impact’: how do social media such as Facebook and Instagram work?
  • organizing and planning your content: create relevant posts; to build up a scope; create momentum
  • promote messages; advertise on Facebook
  • set up a campaign, organize an event, etc.

We work with examples and cases from the participants during the course of the day.

The lecturer of this day is Christophe Toye, communication trainer at I Like Media and guest lecturer at Howest Kortrijk.

He has experience with various associations and organizations in both profit and non-profit.

Practical information:
Date: Tuesday 25 September 2018 from 9.30 till 16.00 (lunch with sandwiches)
Location: @Triodos Brussels, Hoogstraat 139/3
Language: Dutch

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